Tootekood: BR9120200
Kaubamärk: Bresser
Ühik: tk
Laoseis: 2

Rocca: 1
Ülemiste: 1
69,90 €
Kogus: - +
Avasta ja õpi tundma ilma National Geographic ilmajaamaga lastele. Tahad teada miks sajab vihma või miks vahel lööb välku ja müristab? See komplekt aitab sul õppida nii seda kui palju muud läbi praktiliste ja lõbusate eksperimentide.

Kui kiirelt ja kust suunast puhub tuul? Anemomeeter mõõdab tuule kiirust Beaufort'i skaalas ehk vahemikus tuulevaikse päeva ja orkaani vahel. Tuulelipu ja kompassiga saab määrata tuule täpse suuna. Udomeetriga saad mõõta sademete hulka.

Eelistad midagi aktiivsemat? Kaasasoleva eksperimentide raamatu juhistel saad mõõta vee happelisust, ehitada ise baromeetri õhurõhu mõõtmiseks, või vaadelda lumehelveste keerukaid vorme lähedalt. Need on vaid 3 raamatus leiduvast 17st eksperimendist! Samm-sammult, kuid mitte kunagi igavalt, saab sinust ilmaolude ekspert!

Kõik-ühes ilmajaam lastele 8+
Mõõdab temperatuuri, tuule kiirust ja suunda, ja sedemete hulka.
Karbis kaasas õpetused 17ks põnevaks eksperimendiks.

Anemomeeter 3 labaga
Sademete hulga mõõtmise topsid (udomeeter)
2 mõõtmistassi
pH-skaala ja 20 testpaberit
Õhurõhu skaala
Plastikust voolik
2 kogumisnõud
Skaalaga katseklaas
Riidest lapp
3 vatitupsu
4 kummipaela
6 paela
2 õhupalli
Raamat juhistega 17 põneva eksperimendi läbiviimiseks

Vanus: 8+


Discover the wonders of weather with your own NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC NatGeo Weather Station for Kids. Curious to know why it rains or how lightning forms? Dive into these and many other weather phenomena through exciting hands-on experiments. You'll become a budding meteorologist in no time!

Get on the trail of the climate: measure and understand weather data

How strong is the wind, and what’s the temperature outside? The removable anemometer with built-in thermometer will tell you in an instant. You can also track wind speed based on the Beaufort scale, which ranges from calm to hurricane. Use the wind vane and compass to work out the wind direction. And with the rain gauge, you can easily check if the plants in your garden or on your balcony are getting enough water.

Explore the weather with fun-filled experiments

Love trying new things? Grab the experiment guide and all the equipment – and let’s get started! Find out all about the pH value of water, build your own barometer to measure air pressure, or take a closer look at snowflakes. And those are just 3 of the 17 experiments waiting for you! Step-by-step, and with loads of fun, you’ll become a weather expert in no time.

Step into the world of meteorology – with the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC NatGeo Weather Station for Kids!


All-in-one weather station for children aged 8 and up
Measures temperature, wind speed, wind direction, and rainfall
Removable anemometer with built-in thermometer and Beaufort scale
Plenty of accessories for a quick start
Experiment guide packed with weather-related activities
Flashing light as a visual indicator


Weather station
Anemometer with 3 cups
Rain gauge
Wind vane
2 measuring cups
pH scale
20 sheets of pH test paper
Air pressure scale card
Plastic tube
Magnifying glass
2 collection containers
Graduated cylinder
3 cotton balls
4 rubber bands
6 ribbons
Rubber ring
2 balloons
Name tag
Instruction manual with experiments
Age recommendation: Age: 8+ Not suitable for children under 3 years!
Age recommendation from: 8
Colour: black
Material: Plastic
Measurement function: Precipitation, Temperature, Wind Direction, Wind speed
Typ [Batteries]: AAA
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